So the updates right now are as follows: (lol...)
One, we signed Wyatt up for swimming lessons. So its official that he should learn to swim this summer. He also got signed up for Karate lessons. He has had two lessons so far and has done very well with the other kids. He is the youngest in the class. In two more classes they should tell us whether or not he is ready to begin the next step or if he should wait until he is 4 to make the commitment. He does enjoy it and I am always so proud when he learns something new.
We bought a new car and I am so happy about that. We decided to buy a new car because of the fact that we will be doing so much driving back and forth. We purchased a 2008 Kia Rio. The car has a warranty up to 100,o00 miles and it currently only has 12,000. So we will have a warranty for a while thank goodness. I love it!!! When Wyatt climbed into it for us to test drive it he said, "Mommy, this is the car I want us to keep forever." It was cute. So after about 4 1/2 hours there at the dealership we got to leave with our new car.
Disney World is three weeks away along with my 26 birthday. I told Wyatt today that I would be 26 in a few weeks and he said, "Wow, thats a lot of numbers." LOL...to my baby I am old I guess.
We are also trying to figure out a time that we can go to Colorado to visit Geoffrey's family. We want Wyatt to know Geoffrey's family too. Its looking like August hopefully when we can get out there. So between flying to Disney and then flying to Colorado, Wyatt is going to start earning his frequent flyer miles...lol
We have had fun in VA so far. We have spent time on the beach, taken some family pics, gone to the movies, and gone to some fun dinners. Right now we are looking for a church that we like. We tried one out this past week that would have been great if the preacher hadn't preached for an hour (thats not including the music worship). So we are looking for somewhere that we like.

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