Well I thought I would try out this new website because I had seen it on different websites. I think this a great way to keep people up to date on the happenings of our family. So I just thought I would write a quick blog on here to introduce ourselves and then more will follow.
We are the Johnson family. I am Jina and I am married to a wonderful man named Geoffrey. Our son's name is Wyatt and he will be 4 in September. Time flies by way too quickly. It seems like yesterday that I just had him.
Geoffrey is a naval officer stationed on the USS Enterprise in Norfolk, VA. He is an officer in the Nuclear Propulsion department. He is about to start pursuing his masters and I am very proud of him for taking his education further. Geoffrey entered a ready made family, but he doesn't see it that way. He never uses the word stepson when he talks about Wyatt. We are so lucky to have him in our lives because a man like him is hard to find. He is one of a kind and gladly he is ours.
I am in school trying to finish my degree in Sociology. When that is done I am going to be a stay at home mom for a while and raise the kids. I will go back to work when they all get into school. We are trying for more kids. I had medical problems with Wyatt so we both want to have our babymaking done by the time I reach 30 since the chance of risks becomes higher at that point. So right my now my life revolves around family and school.
Wyatt is 3 years old and a good natured boy who has so much passion in life. He is a very loving child, but is also quick tempered. He's hard headed like his momma, but can also always suprise you by the sweet things he says. He is about to start preschool in August and we are really excited about his new steps. I know he is going to do so well because he is so bright and eager.
Well this is our introduction, but there will be more to come.
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